Diamond Segment for Reinforced Concrete Granite, Diamond Core Drill Bit Segment, China Supplier Manufacturer

The diamond segment of diamond core bit for reinforced concrete coring (or drilling). We can produce Diamond Segment of core bit base on different kinds of concrete, asphalt and user requirements for our customers.Increasing the productivity and lower the cost.

( Over 1100 Formulas for diamond tools we have developed are supporting our customers. )

Diamond Segment 11.jpg


Product Name

Diamond Segment for Diamond Core Drill Bit


For coring (or drilling) Reinforced Concrete, Asphalt, Granite, Stone ...

Models(We have developed many formulas to increase the productivity)

XS625, XS635 for coring reinforced concreteXA625, XA635 for coring reinforced concrete (Assembly Type Core Bit)XS627 for prestressed concreteRS600 for refractoryGS500 for graniteand Others upon request

For Diameter

16mm - 1200mm, or others

Con-x3 Tech

Yes (XS600 series and XA600 series)

User Type

Intensive professional users


Wet use

zhili zhaosegment & bead